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Jobs - Company Name: City Security Company Limited
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Company Name: City Security Company Limited
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Job Title & Company
City Security Company Limited
- --
- Certificate
- 2025-02-14
Certificate |
$15.6K |
-- |
2025-02-14 |
L400 |
【高薪!】旺角商場 / 車場保安員 - 月薪高達21,500,另設新人獎$3,000!
City Security Company Limited
- --
- Certificate
- 2025-02-14
Certificate |
$21.5K |
-- |
2025-02-14 |
L400 |
City Security Company Limited
-- |
$20K |
-- |
2025-02-14 |
L400 |
保安督察Inspector - 九龍塘大學校園(8小時10分鐘早更/中更) $17254 12天年假
City Security Company Limited
Diploma |
$17.2K or above |
3+ |
2025-02-14 |
L400 |
銀行大廈保安 -中環 (固定日/夜更) 簡單易做!$17,000
City Security Company Limited
Certificate |
$17K |
1 |
2025-02-14 |
L400 |
【旺角區 - 五天工作!】停車場保安 - 月薪$17,463!(設冷氣更亭休息!)
City Security Company Limited
- --
- Certificate
- 2025-02-14
Certificate |
$17.4K |
-- |
2025-02-14 |
L400 |
九龍站住宅客戶服務主任 - - 月薪$19516 (9小時,每月6日例假),另設$9000新人獎
City Security Company Limited
- --
- F.5 / HKCEE
- 2025-02-14
F.5 / HKCEE |
$19.5K |
-- |
2025-02-14 |
L400 |
保安督察 - 九龍塘大學校園(8.17小時工作,早更、中更) $17,254
City Security Company Limited
Diploma |
$17.2K or above |
3 |
2025-02-14 |
L400 |
【10碼盤,輕鬆易做!】灣仔大專院校保安員 - 月薪$15,665!
City Security Company Limited
- --
- Certificate
- 2025-02-14
Certificate |
$15.6K |
-- |
2025-02-14 |
L400 |
保安員 - 九龍塘大學校園(8.17小時工作) - 早/中/夜更另設新人獎$4000
City Security Company Limited
Certificate |
$12.3K |
1 |
2025-02-14 |
L400 |
九龍站住客戶服務主任 Guest Service Officer -9小時- 早中輪班 /固定夜更 - 月薪$20200
City Security Company Limited
- --
- F.5 / HKCEE
- 2025-02-14
F.5 / HKCEE |
$20.2K or above |
-- |
2025-02-14 |
L400 |
大圍住宅保安主任 - Security Officer (Residential) - 8.5小時,月薪$19438, *中更另設新人獎金共$6000
City Security Company Limited
F.5 / HKCEE |
$19.4K or above |
2 |
2025-02-14 |
L400 |
大圍住宅保安主管 Supervisor - 8.5小時 - 月薪$23025 *新人獎金共 $6000*
City Security Company Limited
- 2+
- F.5 / HKCEE
- 2025-02-14
F.5 / HKCEE |
$23K or above |
2+ |
2025-02-14 |
L400 |
特遣客戶服務主任- 5天工作 九龍站私人住宅
City Security Company Limited
- --
- F.5 / HKCEE
- 2025-02-14
F.5 / HKCEE |
$17.8K or above |
-- |
2025-02-14 |
L400 |
特遣客戶服務主任- 5天工作 荃灣西\沙田私人住宅
City Security Company Limited
- --
- F.5 / HKCEE
- 2025-02-14
F.5 / HKCEE |
$14.8K or above |
-- |
2025-02-14 |
L400 |
大圍新商場Chief operation Officer-保安經理 月薪4萬 9小時工作
City Security Company Limited
- 7+
- Associate Degree / Higher Diploma
- 2025-02-14
Associate Degree / Higher Diploma |
$40K |
7+ |
2025-02-14 |
L400 |
太古住宅座頭保安 - 早/夜更 (12小時) - 月薪$19200, 另設新人獎$9000
City Security Company Limited
Below F.5 |
$19.2K or above |
1 |
2025-02-14 |
L400 |
8.5小時青衣住宅客戶服務主任 - 月薪 $17080 *褔利好*
City Security Company Limited
- --
- F.5 / HKCEE
- 2025-02-14
F.5 / HKCEE |
$17K |
-- |
2025-02-14 |
L400 |
City Security Company Limited
- --
- Certificate
- 2025-02-07
Certificate |
$15.6K |
-- |
2025-02-07 |
L400 |
【高薪!】旺角商場 / 車場保安員 - 月薪高達21,500,另設新人獎$3,000!
City Security Company Limited
- --
- Certificate
- 2025-02-07
Certificate |
$21.5K |
-- |
2025-02-07 |
L400 |
City Security Company Limited
-- |
$20K |
-- |
2025-02-07 |
L400 |
保安督察Inspector - 九龍塘大學校園(8小時10分鐘早更/中更) $17254 12天年假
City Security Company Limited
Diploma |
$17.2K or above |
3+ |
2025-02-07 |
L400 |
銀行大廈保安 -中環 (固定日/夜更) 簡單易做!$17,000
City Security Company Limited
Certificate |
$17K |
1 |
2025-02-07 |
L400 |
【旺角區 - 五天工作!】停車場保安 - 月薪$17,463!(設冷氣更亭休息!)
City Security Company Limited
- --
- Certificate
- 2025-02-07
Certificate |
$17.4K |
-- |
2025-02-07 |
L400 |
九龍站住宅客戶服務主任 - - 月薪$19516 (9小時,每月6日例假),另設$9000新人獎
City Security Company Limited
- --
- F.5 / HKCEE
- 2025-02-07
F.5 / HKCEE |
$19.5K |
-- |
2025-02-07 |
L400 |