China Daily Hong Kong Limited

Copy Editor (Global Weekly)

Recruit Ref: L0595322


  • University graduate, preferably in journalism or media communication
  • Have at least 5 years copy editing experience with an English newspaper or magazine 
  • Have strong editing skills, including rewriting copy when needed 
  • Be able to write succinct and catchy headlines and captions
  • Possess a good working knowledge of Chinese Mainland and Asia Pacific 
  • Able to work under pressure and meet tight deadlines
  • Preference will be given to candidates with a demonstrable track record of enterprise journalism, who are able to distill research into well-framed stories with strong compelling leads 
  • Pleasant personality, energetic and good interpersonal skills
  • Possess leadership skills and be a good team player 

We offer successful candidates attractive salary and comprehensive benefits. Interested parties should send their full resumes, stating their current and expected salaries, to Human Resources Department, China Daily Hong Kong Ltd., Room 1818 Hing Wai Centre, 7 Tin Wan Praya Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong, or email to "Apply". (Personal Information collected will be used for recruitment purpose only)

All the information of the applicants are only used for employment purpose and would not used in other purposes

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Keywords: ChinaDaily,中國日報,Editor

About China Daily Hong Kong Limited

Launched in 1997, the China Daily Hong Kong Edition offers a unique local perspective that has become essential reading for decision-makers, including HKSAR government officials, CEOs and senior executives, scholars and academics in Hong Kong and Macau.
The China Daily Hong Kong Edition is recognized by both the newspaper industry and readers for its exceptional journalism and outstanding reporting. China Daily was a four-time winner at the most recent “Hong Kong News Awards” organized by the Newspaper Society of Hong Kong. Since 2010, The Hong Kong Edition has been honored every year at the “Hong Kong Best News Awards”, winning a current total of 95 awards.
創刊於 1997 年,《中國日報香港版》以當地語系化、獨特的報導成為香港、澳門和部分亞洲國家和地區高端讀者的重要讀物。 讀者包括香港特別行政 區政府官員、金融機構和跨國企業CEO、高級管理人員、外交官員、智庫和學者等。

China Daily Hong Kong cares about the community and actively pays attention to the growth and development of local youths. The youth education platform VDO English was established in 2015 to provide students with an all-rounded English learning experience. Through video and game based learning, the company aims to shape a new way of learning. Currently, VDO English owns an official website, mobile applications, along with social media accounts on Facebook, Youtube, and Instagram.

中國日報(香港)公司心系社會,積極關注本地青少年的成長與發展,於2015年創辦了青少年教育平臺VDO English,通過“看視頻、學英語”、“遊戲闖關做習題”等方式,為學生帶來英語學習新體驗。目前,VDO English擁有自己的官方網站、手機應用程式、Facebook、Youtube以及IG 等社交媒體帳號。

VDO English also launched offline activities like school tours and public speaking competitions to further develop personal qualities and skills of students. The campus tours brought English and STEM booth games to local primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong, and has benefited more than 50,000 students in more than 200 schools. The public speaking competition has been held for 4 consecutive years and has attracted active participation from students, parents and teachers. For the past 2 years, Hong Kong candidates selected by VDO English have successfully won the national championship.

VDO English還推出了校園巡遊、演講比賽等線下活動,推動學生的素質發展和個人能力提升。校園巡遊活動為香港本地中小學生帶去英語、STEM攤位遊戲,已惠及200多間學校的五萬餘名學生。演講比賽已經舉辦了四屆,受到越來越多的學生、家長和老師的關注和參與,並且連續兩年,由VDO English選拔出的香港優秀學生獲得了全國比賽的總冠軍。

In order to manage the development and growth across VDO English products, we are now looking for qualified candidates in Hong Kong to fill the following position:

為了推動VDO English有關項目和產品的發展,現於香港招聘以下職位,希望與我們有共同目標的有志之士加入我們:

Company Industry

Printing & Publishing


  • Five-Day Work
  • Medical Insurance
  • Performance Bonus
  • Travel Allowance
Maximum 5 Temporary Records Limit Reached!
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