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Recruit Ref: G15988
Posting Date: 2024-08-02
Leisure and Cultural Services Department
Division/Section/Unit: Hong Kong Public Libraries
Mobile Library Assistant
Job Description
(A) To drive Mobile Library vehicle; (B) to provide check-in and check-out services for library materials; (C) to provide basic readers' enquiry services; (D) to perform general clerical and other back office duties; (E) to deliver library materials and perform duties such as sorting, shelving, jacketing, stamping and repairing of library materials; (F) to maintain the order in the Mobile Library; (G) to ensure the safe operation of the Mobile Library and report items to be repaired to the supervisor; (H) to supervise or perform cleansing duties for the Mobile Library; and (I) to connect and disconnect electricity supply at Mobile Library service points. Working Hours: 45 hours per week (excluding meal breaks); have to work shifts and irregular hours including on Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays. (Notes: Appointees will be deployed to work in any mobile libraries or public libraries; and may be required to wear uniform.)
Applicants should - (A) hold valid driving licences for private cars, light goods vehicles and medium goods vehicles (i.e. Hong Kong Driving Licence Vehicle Class Codes 1, 2 & 18) (Note 1); (B) have (i) Level 2 or equivalent (Note 2) or above in the Compulsory or Extended Part of Mathematics and four other subjects in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSEE) (Note 3), or equivalent; or (ii) Level 2 (Note 4) / Grade E or above in Mathematics and four other subjects in the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE) (Note 3), or equivalent; (C) meet the language proficiency requirements of Level 2 (Note 4) or above in Chinese Language and English Language in HKDSEE or HKCEE, or equivalent; and (D) have a good knowledge of the use of general computer software (e.g. MS Word, MS Excel and Chinese input method).? Note: (1) Applicants must state the Vehicle Class Codes of the valid Hong Kong Driving Licences they hold in the field of "Professional Qualifications" of the application form and attach a copy of the driving licence to the form. Applicants are required to pass a driving test conducted by the Government Logistics Department and be issued with a Government Driving Permit prior to the offer of appointment. (2) For non-civil service appointment purpose, "Attained" in Applied Learning subjects (subject to a maximum of two Applied Learning subjects), and Grade E in Other Language subjects in the HKDSEE are accepted as equivalent to Level 2 in the New Senior Secondary subjects in the HKDSEE. (3) The subjects may include Chinese Language and English Language. (4) For non-civil service appointment purpose, 'Grade E' in Chinese Language and English Language (Syllabus B) in previous HKCEE is accepted administratively as comparable to 'Level 2' in Chinese Language and English Language in the 2007 HKCEE and henceforth.
Terms of Appointment: Successful applicants will be employed on non-civil service contract terms for one year.
$20,705 per month
Fringe Benefits An end-of-contract gratuity may be granted to the appointee upon satisfactorily completion of the contract with a consistently high standard of performance and conduct. Such gratuity, plus the Government's contribution to a Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) Scheme in respect of the appointee as required by the MPF Schemes Ordinance, will be equal to 10% of the total basic salary drawn during the contract period. Rest days, statutory holidays (or substituted holidays), annual leave, maternity/paternity leave and sickness allowance, where appropriate, will be granted in line with the provisions of the Employment Ordinance.
Apply Method
Application forms [G.F. 340 (Rev. 7/2023)] can be obtained from any Home Affairs Enquiry Centre of District Offices, Home Affairs Department or any Job Centres of the Employment Services Division, Labour Department. The said form can also be downloaded from the Civil Service Bureau's website ( (Note : The new version of application form for Government jobs G.F. 340 (Rev.7/2023) has been in use with effect from 26 July 2023. Candidates who apply for Government jobs advertised on or after 26 July 2023 should use the new G.F. 340 (Rev. 7/2023). If candidates submit the old version form [G.F. 340 (Rev. 3/2013)], they will be required to fill in the new G.F. 340 (Rev. 7/2023) afresh and submit it within seven days upon request. If candidates fail to submit the new G.F. 340 (Rev. 7/2023) within the stipulated deadline, their applications will not be processed further.) Completed application form should reach the contact address on or before the closing date with the envelope clearly marked "Application for the position of NCSC Mobile Library Assistant" (The postmark will be referred to for the submission date of the application by mail). Applications which are late, incomplete, or submitted by fax or e-mails will not be considered. To avoid delayed or unsuccessful delivery of applications by post, please ensure that the correct address is clearly printed or written on the envelope and sufficient postage has been affixed before posting. Mail items bearing insufficient postage will not be delivered to the contact address and will be returned to the sender or disposed of by the Hongkong Post, where appropriate. Applicants will bear any consequences arising from not paying sufficient postage. Applicants who are selected for interview will normally receive an invitation within ten to twelve weeks from the closing date for application. This period may be longer in exceptional circumstances, e.g. when a large number of applications are received or when there are other complications. Those who are not invited for interview/driving test may assume that their applications are unsuccessful. Information on unsuccessful applicants will normally be destroyed 24 months after rejection of the applicants' applications.

Civil Service / Government 
Job Category / Function:
Employment Term:
Full Time 
Min. Edu. Level Req:
Minimum QF Level attained:
Total Working Exp:
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Keywords: Mobile Library Assistant
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